Epworth Christmas Celebration

Tuesday 15th December, 7.30pm
Online via Zoom

This year has been difficult for everyone and we are so disappointed that we won’t be able to hold our Epworth Christmas concert this year. However, I am delighted to tell you that we will be holding an on-line event that can be accessed by everyone. There are no tickets required but we are still supporting the York Road Project as our charity of the year and would ask that you make a donation of whatever you can afford to them.

The evening will be a chance to look back at some of our previous concerts, we have videos from 2006, 2009 and 2013 and these will be mixed with some live music from Michael and Laurence and a chance for you to sing along with some traditional Christmas carols.

We will also have some readings and prayers from Peter, Marian and Barbara and an appeal from the York Road project. Time will be available for you to have a chat and we will set up some areas in zoom for you to do this at the end.

Please forward this invitation to all of your family and friends, dress in Christmas attire and bring along a drink and nibble of your own choice. We look forward to seeing you all.

You can join us using Zoom by clicking the link below:


Meeting ID: 948 7522 5591
Passcode: 151220

You can download the programme for tonight’s concert here.

Summer Singers

Wednesday 22nd July 2020, 7.30pm – 9.30pm
Zoom – Online only

Do you fancy a relaxed and informal sing through a broad range of music? Join Epworth Choir for a friendly sing through music ranging from the Renaissance to the present day. From the sacred to the secular, the serious to the light-hearted, there really will be something for everyone to enjoy.

CANCELLED: Karl Jenkins: The Armed Man

Concert poster

CANCELLED: Karl Jenkins – The Armed Man

The Committee have reached a decision that the safest option to protect the choir and our audience from the increased risk of exposure to the Corinavirus (Covid-19) is to postpone our performance of The Armed Man – A Mass for peace which we were due to perform on Saturday 21st March 2020 at Holy Trinity Church, Guildford.

We will contact all ticket holders in due course to advise on next steps.

We are sorry for the inconvenience caused and ask you to bear with us while we re-plan our schedule for the year.

Come and Sing: Mendelssohn’s Elijah

Saturday 1st February 2020, 11am – 5pm
Trinity Methodist Church, Woking

This year’s Come and Sing day featured Mendelssohn’s masterpiece, Elijah. With rousing choruses vividly portraying this biblical tale, this was an extremely popular and enjoyable workshop.

Members of the choir were joined by singers of all voice types, ages and abilities from the Woking area to learn and perform Elijah in a single day.

We kicked off with some warm-ups and then started getting familiar with the piece led by our conductor, Michael.

At the end of the afternoon we will put on an informal ‘performance’ of everything we’d learned for any of our friends and family.